Selling A House In Westchester In The Fall
Selling Your House in the Fall
When people think of the most opportune time to sell a house, they think of the Spring, however Fall is a close second. The alluring color of the Autumn leaves, the excitement of the holidays approaching without the last minute hustle of the season, the end of the hectic travelling vacation schedule and a less saturated market all lend itself to creating a great selling environment. Here are some ideas to help your home stand out. And remember, even though selling your house can be a stressful event, Katonah Self Storage can help alleviate some of the stress by helping you choose the perfect climate controlled storage unit and to even lend an ear!
Curb Appeal
While your lawn may not be as green and fresh as it is in the Springtime due to the ravages of the summer heat, there are lots of elements that can set your house apart from others. The best way to do this is to make the home look inviting, like you want to walk through the door and settle down. Make the front door a focal point in order to set that mood. Utilize the abundance of colors that Mums provide. Ranging in colors from purple to orange, you can choose ones that compliment the color tones of your house nicely as well as the fall leaves. Also choose or make a wreath that helps make your door pop.
Autumnal Scents
With the cool down that comes with Autumn and the abundance of fresh fruit, baking is a favorite hobby for many in the fall. Try popping a pie in the oven or placing autumn scented candles around (can we say Pumpkin Waffle scent??) before an open house or a house tour to appeal to the potential buyers. There has been research that shows smells are the hardest memory trigger to recondition and get rid of. This works for you in two ways. The first is by bringing back potential happy memories of baking with relatives or friends and the second is to have the memories of visiting your house that’s for sale when they continue to encounter these smells in the future.
De-Clutter the Inside
Nothing makes a house look smaller than it actually is like too much clutter. Help open-up the house by storing away knick-knacks or furniture that is not in use. It’s also beneficial to display items that have a very broad likeability instead of items that have a more specific audience. If storage in the house is minimal, it is beneficial to rent temporary storage. Katonah Self Storage can be of great help in this aspect!